viernes, 24 de marzo de 2017

Filming! day 1

Today was the big day, it was filming day. We had already picked out our actor and frankly I was quite pleased with the acting. But like most of the time, a few things went wrong. First we had to change most of the story board we had created because the abandoned cabin we were going to use was shut and locked, so we couldn’t get inside. So we had to think quickly and use the other surroundings as our advantage. After a brief look, brainstorm and research we decided we were going to show the struggle in other ways besides the setting. Right and there we read this article which instructed us and supported our idea to use dutch angle to show the struggle to compensate for the mise-en-scene we had pictured earlier. Then we had to look for the setting we were going to film, quickly we found some woods with a stable, the stable could replace the abandoned cabin and the woods could show the struggle of the character. So it was a perfect replacement, the woods ties in with the genre and the editing possibilities with the shots we acquired are a lot. But let's not get ahead of ourselves, i have an uneasy feeling that the hardest part is yet to come; the editing.

After we filmed for about 2 hours, our actor had to go, i guess that's how no budget film works. We were only missing a few shots:

1. Shot of him throwing his medication the pill bottle (I have one and I'll bring that).

2. Shot of him running through the grass with the asylum outfit and then dumping it and picking up the clothes.

3. Shot of the wine bottle cracking.

4.Shot of the police sirens.

Then all we have to do is record the whispering and we should be good. For now….

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