jueves, 6 de abril de 2017


So we made a conference to discuss the last parts of the projects and how we could imcorporate a credit section. We have so far one minute and forty four seconds on film so we need to incorporate more time, and credits are the perfect way to do them. We didn't want to stick to the cliche Closing Credits of which usually consist of a black screen and white text. The names of the cast and crew scroll slowly up the screen, while some sort of music plays.

So we were planing to write the names of the cast in dirt with a stick and then wipe them away with wind, we thought that it was a creative way to do the credits, plus it ties to the theme of the movie, as dehuminazing the characters or in this case the cast.

"Starting Luis Pelato"
"Directed by:
Carlos Willson
Paula Marchan
Liliana Mejia"

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